Monday, November 2, 2009


My friend invited me to NaBloPoMo, with the stipulation that I write a blog post everyday for a month, and I've already missed Nov. 1st! HA! Stick it to the man! Or something.

Short list:

I got a new counselor, and she's awesome, and it's super-weird being back in therapy, and I'm so glad to be there. She agreed to a reduced fee from $90 to $50 per session; $200/month is still a big extra expense, but it's something I really need.

My roommate has a new boyfriend, and so I have spent a grand total of an hour or two with her over the last week, at least. I hold my tongue, as best I can. I had been comparing it to a relationship I once had, since it's practically a mirror-image, but they do seem much happier at this point then I was at the same point with that girl. I think they've been dating about five weeks, so if they make it one more it'll be longer than mine lasted. I did find it incredibly amusing when I realized that her boyfriend drives the same kind of car that my ex did at the time.

I have another month or so on my current work contract, so if I can't turn this into a permanent gig I'm gonna have to look into finding new work. I've been with Amazon for a cumulative period of about a year, now, so I'd prefer to stay here.

Speaking of which, I'm at work right now, so I should go!

Now playing: Fever Ray - Coconut
via FoxyTunes

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