Monday, May 18, 2009


I swear, I didn't move from my desk today except to go get work from other people's desks. Why is it that the more I have to do, the better my day is, but when I have the time to do whatever I want, I do nothing?

I'm gonna try to just focus on making enough money to pay off some of my debt, and getting myself out of the apartment more often.

Speaking of which, I finally saw the new Star Trek last night, and I'll be damned if it wasn't pretty frakking awesome. My expectations had been built up quite a bit, so I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't disappointed. By the way, did Mark Lenard die? I was fully expecting him to show up as Sarek.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Horrors of The Kills

The one thing I truly hate about going to concerts in this country is the ever-present fuckheads that insist on moshing no matter what the type of music being played.

The worst example will always be the morons who were shoving people around at the Moby concert. Who the fuck tries to mosh to fucking Moby?!

Anyway, at the concert last night the same thing happened, of course, but aside from that it was a really good show. The Horrors were actually better live than The Kills, even though they were the ones I went to see.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Locke vs. Jacob

Locke vs. Jacob
Originally uploaded by Tasty 'Shops
Going to the Lost season finale tonight at the Science Fiction Museum theater - looking forward to the main event!