Saturday, October 30, 2010

Things I loathe: election season edition


I don't believe that Rick Larsen eats babies!
I don't believe Patty Murray is a Nazi!
I don't believe Dino Rossi killed a man just to watch him die!
I don't believe Susan DelBene is a Romulan spy!
I don't believe Dave Reichert bathes in the blood of his enemies!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why are you in my spot?

People's intense self-focus constantly amazes me. It also tends to infuriate me, but I've been working on being more accepting of the fact that I really don't know other people's minds or circumstances.

Every week I see dozens of examples, and they never fail to amaze. The bus pulls up to a stop, and before the doors even open people at the stop are walking up to enter; apparently it never even occurs to them that someone might be getting off the bus first, and they invariably have to back out (sometimes at the driver's insistence) until the other passengers have come out.

Waiting for the elevator in the lobby, as soon as they hear that 'ding' people are already walking towards the opening elevator doors; apparently it doesn't occur to them that perhaps there were people riding the elevator down, who will have to get out before they can get on.

In the bathroom, people will confidently stride up and pull hard on a stall door as opposed to looking to see if the latch is turned; apparently it never crosses their minds that the stall latch isn't made of reinforced titanium, and it's possible that they'll wrench open the door only to find someone inside in a compromising position.

It makes me want to shake them: "Other people do exist! The world wasn't built just for you!"

I don't have the perspective to comment on whether this phenomenon is a universal aspect of human nature, or if it's an aspect of Western or American culture, but it does remind me of a comment Eddie Izzard made in concert when a reference to some international event was met with a sea of blank faces: "You do know that there are other countries, right?"